The After Glow
Size: 22”x30”
Medium: Oils Acrylics and Charcoals on 300pd Cold Press Archival Paper
Year: 2018
Original: Sold
Prints: Available
This piece was commissioned by CityBook Magazine to be featured in their Hurricane Harvey issue as the opening to the essay written for the aftermath. The piece was about hope and the literal wall still standing like our city even with all its damage and worn down look. The title named “The After Glow” comes from the composition of a landscape with the blue representing a flooded city on the horizon. The faint shapes of red give a sense of a city skyline as it basks in the glow of an orange and yellow sunset bring light to the idea of hope for our city.
I remember the days after the hurricane watching the rivers that flooded through our streets, but everyday that passed more and more hope. Buildings still standing, people still supporting each other, and it made each sunrise become that much more impactful. Houston has been through a lot and every time, we push through as a community.
The idea and it’s title originated from a series I had done a long time ago called the Essence Series. Particularly the piece titled “Morning After the Battle”. This series was very personal and emotional, dealing with internal battles and scenarios in life that shape us. Fueled by the landscape feel with movements of sunrises and sunsets to ignite the emotions on the canvas that resonated with each title. This piece, along with “the After Glow” all concern ourselves with the idea that no matter the struggles, the up and downs, how worn out we get, we can have knowing the sun will rise again.