That Someone
Size: 30”x40”
Medium: Oils Acrylics and Charcoals on 300pd Cold Press Archival Paper
Year: 2021
Original: Sold
Prints: Sold out
* Inquire about original via email
I remember seeing these words along time ago when I was going through one of the deepest heart aches, and all the confusions that came with it. But over time and much reflection I saw something more to it. When I created this new work, I wanted to encapsulate the process of my evolved understanding and how the layers beckoned to string together much needed insight.
At first it was just about that someone else. Yet as time went on, it became about self and thus the signing by “-Love” as the act of forgiveness. To which lead me into gratefulness, in that, whether or not the results are a broken heart or rewarded union, we still find ourselves full of courage for taking that leap of faith over our walls and off the cliff. And for that reason, the journey is worth the risk, to see ourselves capable of boundless acts of faith is the ultimate reward in pursuit of purpose.
Deeper look -
I decided to look deeper into the prevention of these boundless acts of faith and how to subtly inject its presence. I brought the words “No Trespassing” being overwritten with the words that speak of breaking rules as a way to express how we protect ourselves by setting walls with rules to keep others out. Safeguarding our heart.
The “No Trespassing” is done in black with firm, standard stenciling on a yellow background. Black and yellow are the most eye-catching combinations for advertising and signs. Most notably used for official caution and warning signs. I wanted the subliminal connection to a “governmental” official feel, and the rules we place on our emotions and heart. Rules that we officially place on ourselves, most notably our ego as the “governmental” body protecting us. This of course featured on a wall, to represent our internal walls as boundaries for protection from the outside world. The aging, to symbolize time and all the iterations it goes through as we keep changing and pushing against it, updating its appearance in hopes, THIS, is what’s needed.
Strewn across the wall are worn hand written words from that of our inner child desperately speaking to us beyond our ego placed warning sign. The final act, words “We all broke our rules for someone -Love”, an attempt by our inner child, full of unconditional love overwriting the ego rules, mimicking the “official” stencil in hopes that we consciously take just as serious. Yet an undeniable inner child touch found through the colors and form unlike the cold and stoutness of our ego warning.
In this moment, looking at the wall we find it is merely the reflection of our internal battle leaving messages for us. And the “wall” is not holding you from getting in but holding you from getting out. That “Someone” is us, yet it is what we reflect and project in others that we then can realize what truly is love and the faith of breaking our rules for the unknown leap into the pursuit of purpose. In the end, I am grateful, for without love how do we find courage to test our boundaries of life.