Love Is The Way
Size: 30”x40”
Medium: Oils Acrylics and Charcoals on 300pd Cold Press Archival Paper
Year: 2021
Original: Sold
Prints: Available
I loved the story of Grogu “Baby Yoda” and Din Djarin as “The Mandalorian”. I wanted to utilize the idea of a seemingly harmless and childlike figure in Grogu, yet such stored, untrained power within, to represent our vulnerability. The Mandalorian, to represent us as society. We protect our vulnerability and hide it deep down as something that’s fragile and weak, mostly for survival. Yet it’s when we let go of fear and begin training its true potential do we realize the strength and power within. Having Grogu hold out a heart with the Mandalorian code of honor underneath, “this is the way”, symbolizes leading and giving love as the way to train the true strength found within us. Like Mandalorians, we my seem on the surface to lead with a brash and cut-throat manner to survive, but deep down, we are bonded in a much strong way. Grogu represents that way in us, and that way is the power of vulnerability.
Each piece is hand carved out of its printed archival paper and mounted into plexiglass by the artist. Garcia chose to make a print that would mimic his originals by the uniqueness of its organic shapes and the floated look that casts a shadow replicating its organic nature. These prints are limited to 11 and will not be remade in this size.