Love Is The Way
Size: 30”x40”
Medium: Oils Acrylics and Charcoals on 300pd Cold Press Archival Paper
Year: 2017
Original: Sold
Prints: Available
This piece was the first piece created to look like it was made out of metal. In every other piece, the works are made to look like old aging walls with metal plates, bolts and or nails attached to the wall. But never having the whole piece incapsulated by metal. The first objects I ever documented with through photography were old rusted metal parts over 20 years ago. This piece is a reflection of the beginning of my career before my first series where I was still exploring my path and learning techniques. Little did I know the objects I was documenting and the layering and staining I was exploring on canvas would later evolve into what you see now. A state of unknown exploration and chaos coming into a flowed state of control.